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Decision Makers Ltd.

Implement Data Mining and Machine Learning
  into Your Edge Computing Systems. Scroll down to view our products.


SDCard image with MicroEDS

Micro EDS Series

VirtualBox image with MicroEDS

(coming soon…)


Docker  image with MicroEDS

(coming soon…)


Scalable &


Mindset Detector is a cloud-based service.

Suitable for all water utilities.  

No upfront investment.

Payment is made on a monthly basis.

Pay per running model.

Guidance and calibration is included

Event Detection

Abnormality detection in water is much like detecting credit card fraud.

What is your Gain?

The gap between the detectors’ thresholds and regulation limits gives the water utility the option to react ahead of time.

Mindset Detector

is constructed of logical components called “Detectors”. A detector is an algorithm, which is trained to detect a specific abnormality in data.

Machine Learning

A detector that raises alarms when required is considered more reliable over time, and its alarms gradually receive a higher priority.



The special model detects abnormalities when the measurement in a station deviates from the expected value, computed according to the water quality at the origin station.

How it works
Our Customers

Our Customers

Who are we
Our Story

Decision Makers Ltd. focuses on transforming data into knowledge, by combining new proprietary algorithms with reliable public-proven algorithms into easy to use, low-cost software components. Our application-specific components for event detection, optimization, and numerical prediction allow our users to focus on WHAT and not on HOW.

Meet The Team


Dr. Barak Brill

Algorithm Expert

Statistics Ph.D. 
Tel Aviv University


Dr. Eyal Brill

CEO and software developer

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Adi Brill Britvin

Software developer and Infrastructure Expert

M.Sc. Data Science Student
University of London


Michael Britvin

QA, Marketing, and Special Solutions Provider

EE MS.c.
Ariel University

Our Team
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Tel: +972-3-9711623

19 Emek Ayalon Street, Shoam 6083519, Israel

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