Yearly Activity
IBM Case Study
Decision Makers was granted the honor of having a case study published by IBM regarding our solutions.
JRC Erncip Water Webinars
Decision Makers participated in a JRC web conference regarding water technologies.
a link to the lecture by Dr.Brill can be found in this link.
EDS Micro
In 2021 Decision Makers has started to develop the MicroEDS.
The “MicroEDS” is an Event Detection System (EDS), designed to run on top of SBC (Single Board Computer). It is a software platform that utilizes machine learning (ML) technology and aims to detect abnormal conditions both in-process and hardware. Its mission is to detect pending problems in an industrial environment before they develop into severe problems.
The first version of the MicroEDS will be available during Q1 of 2022.
EDS Text
In 2021, the company launched a project for Mey Shikma Holon called EDS_Text_server. This server receives textual information from residents, including reports of water quality events. The software cross-references the location of the reporting source on water and sewage quality stations located and sends notices to the site accordingly. The system is in the testing stage and will be fully operational during 2022.
Automatic Classification in Hagichon
The automatic classification project aims to extend the ability of the EDS system to classify water quality events based on a learning algorithm that learns from human past classification. The project has been performed in the Hagichon, the water utility of Jerusalem. Current performance achieves around 95% of the accuracy of the automatic classification. The classification process enables to identify of the following events automatically:
Sensors calibration and maintenance,
Sensor dirt and local measurement chamber problems.
Communication problem.
Pipes maintenance activity.
Long trend change of water quality.
Sensors electrical problems.
Sensors are drifting.
By 2022 the automatic classification module will also be implemented in the MicroEDS.
Spatial Model in Hagichon
Partially funded by the water authority of Israel Decision Makers have started the implementation of the spatial model concept that has been developed in the SAFEWATER project in the city of Jerusalem.
The Israeli Ministry of Energy funds this project. It includes the development of a monitoring system that alerts when the performance of Solar inverters is deteriorating. Currently, the pilot project monitors more than 100 inverters in Maabarot, Igudan, and Yahel.
EDS pilot project with Zurich water utility
EDS pilot project with Philadelphia water utility
Decision Makers has it's a pilot project of EDS in the city of Zurich. Currently, the project includes 12 monitoring stations based on Intellect sensors.
The Israeli Ministry of Energy funds this project. It includes the development of a monitoring system that alerts when the performance of Solar inverters is deteriorating. Currently, the pilot project monitors more than 100 inverters in Maabarot, Igudan, and Yahel.
Conference at University of East London
During December 2019, Decision Makers Ltd participated in a conference located in UEL, University of East London, regarding water industry innovations. The conference brought together many companies from all over Britain which are leading companies in the water industry, with water experts and water facilities staff.
Spatial Model in Hagichon
Partially funded by the water authority of Israel Decision Makers have started the implementation of the spatial model concept that has been developed in the SAFEWATER project in the city of Jerusalem.
EDS pilot project with Philadelphia water utility
Decision Makers has started a joint project with Coronal Ltd on the implementation of EDS in Philadelphia. The target end time is July 2019. The next step is the implementation of the EDS in 40 monitoring stations in PWD.
System health of Solar inverters
The Israeli Ministry of Energy funds this project. It includes the development of a monitoring system that alerts when the performance of Solar inverters is deteriorating. Currently, the pilot project monitors more than 100 inverters in Maabarot, Igudan, and Yahel.
Spatial Model in Hagichon
Partially funded by the water authority of Israel Decision Makers have started the implementation of the spatial model concept that has been developed in the SAFEWATER project in the city of Jerusalem.
Developing a New Generation of Water Monitoring Systems
Bluei Ltd, an Israeli leading company in the water industry with a global presence in Europe, North and South America, and the far east, has subcontracted Decision Makers Ltd in the development of its new water monitoring technology. The latter includes the SmartOne, SmartEdge, and SmartPod. Bluei's units are integrated with decision-makers' EDS system.
Implementation of Mindset in The City of Jerusalem
Hagichon and Decision Makers have started the implementation of the EDS system in the drinking water distribution system of Jerusalem. Currently, 30 monitoring stations are implemented. In the next 2 years, this number should be doubled.
Drinking Water Quality Control in Holon
Holon Water Utility is implementing Mindset Detector in four monitoring stations, these stations are based on Bluei's SmartOne technology.
Water Suite Ltd has signed a lisence OEM agreement
Water Suite Ltd has signed a license OEM agreement with decision-makers Ltd. Under this agreement Mindset Detector, EDS will be integrated into the water suite software product. A first pilot product is running in West Virginia monitoring eight locations of Water Suite's customers.
Photo Voltaic prediction and monitoring
M.G.Lightning, the University of Cyprus, and Decision Makers are co-operation in a project funded by the Israeli Ministry of Energy. In this project, analysis of sky map pictures is integrated into the decision-makers' photovoltaic prediction system in order to improve its accuracy.
INFOPRV - Decision Makers, M.G.L, and the University of Cyprus are cooperating in a SolarEra.Net project to develop one hour ahead of production prediction. A single-board computer (Raspberry Pi) installed on each invertor will combine historical production data with weather data and sky view information about clouds to generate production predictions.
Sewage Control
Holon Water Corporation is utilizing MindSet Detector in its sewage control process. The system is targeted to alert for abnormal combinations of sewage delivered to the industrial areas' sewage treatment plant. Currently, the cloud-based project is under a trial period. Final delivery is due in the second quarter of 2014.
The project being lead by Elco, a leading company in the Israeli industrial control market.
Municipal water network monitoring
MindSet Detector has been selected by WATERSAFE FP7 consortium as its EDS system. The WATERSAFE project is a three year European Community funded project aimed to develop monitoring and alerting systems in municipal water networks. Three beta sites are planned for near-future implementation: Jerusalem, Zurich and Lisbon.
Photo Voltaic prediction and monitoring
The MindSet prediction engine is currently being used in an Israeli Ministry of Energy cloud-based project, aimed to predict the production capacity of photo voltaic cells on-line and to detect faults in photo voltaic systems. Currently, there are 15 sites monitored with 70 invertors. The commercialization of the systems is planned for 2015.
Project is being lead by M.G.Lightning